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We're David and Jenny Auxier. Whatever circumstances are leading you to this place, we want you to know that we are praying for you, your baby, and the others involved in your decision.
We can't even begin to guess what emotions must be flooding you right now, but please know that you are amazing. If you choose to place your baby for adoption, you will literally be some family's hero. Without birth mothers, there would not be adoption. This is about more than just one family raising a baby from another family - this is a partnership in trying to do the best thing for this baby. Our adoption journey has been full of hope, tears, lots of waiting, and trusting God's plan. We believe He is the author of our lives, and we would be forever grateful if you were part of the story. 
When kids are around, you'll usually find Jenny sitting at the coffee table coloring pictures of The Little Mermaid, and David making goofy faces over the dinner table followed by giggles. We both adore children, so it was never a question about whether or not we would have kids someday, and it was never a question about whether or not we would adopt. We talked about adoption on our second date, so when it became apparent that we would not be able to have children of our own, we knew adoption was the right path for us. 
We are so excited to love our children and raise them surrounded by family, laughter, and faith. We will spend Saturday mornings eating pancakes and wandering through our local Farmer's Market -- which is called the Corn Crib. We will freeze while sitting on the bleachers watching baseball games in the early Spring. We will get messy baking chocolate chip cookies in the afternoons. We will laugh out loud about the silly things and cry together about the hard things that inevitably happen in life. There is no way that we will be perfect parents, but we hope to be the perfect fit for you. 
Thank you for considering giving us the chance to be parents. It is our biggest, most passionate dream, and you would make our dream come true. We can't put into words how much we respect and cherish you. 
We pray for you daily, and we look forward to hearing from you.
Love, David and Jenny
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