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Jenny's Side


Jenny's family lives in a suburb of Kansas City, Missouri called Lee's Summit. Her family gets together every chance they get whether it be for a casual week-night dinner or a holiday gathering. Jenny's mom loves to throw big parties, and her dad can fix or build anything.


She grew up with 2 big brothers as well as a wonderful father and mother. Her family can be described as hard working, genuine, and kind. Both of her brothers are married, which is great because now she has the sisters she didn't have growing up. 


She also had a strong network of extended family -- her cousins were more like siblings, and her grandparents attended as many school events as possible. Speaking of grandparents, if you ever want a laugh, spend a few minutes with Jenny's grandpa. The hardest part of moving to Illinois was going from seeing the family once a week face to face to having to keep in touch through Social Media and multiple visits back to Missouri.


The highlight of the family are our 2 nephews and 1 niece. They are so much fun and keep our family get togethers full of noise. They will make great cousins to our future children and they have provided us with some great on-the-job training when we babysit.

David's Side


David grew up in Southern Illinois. His mom was a teacher, and his dad was a pastor as well and before that he was a postmaster, so they moved a lot. David attended four different elementary schools. His parents now live in Marion, IL which is about 45 minutes away from our home. We enjoy heading that way on Saturday afternoons for a visit and dinner.


David has one older brother who lives in Los Angeles. He and his fiance work as studio archivists -- in other words they keep catalogs of the props and costumes used in movies and TV. Sometimes this means swapping out items at studio museums or traveling to conventions to display a well known costume or prop.


David also has a younger sister who lives in Central Illinois with her husband. She is an early interventionist for speech and language, so she works with preschool children who have speech delays. Her husband is a police officer. They have a baby girl named Scarlett, and they would be furious if we didn't mention their furry son, a poodle named Rugby.


When David's family gets together there are many games played, lots of stories told, and fun had by all. They are all night people, so Jenny is usually asleep when most of the fun at our family gatherings begins.

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