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Adoption is an overwhelming process. From the endless piles of paper work to hours of training, there are many obstacles to overcome, so we are incredibly grateful for the support of friends & family. Here are some ways you can help:


1. Prayer

We firmly believe that prayer is the most important way you can help our family grow. As stated above, this is a complicated process, so please pray that we will place our trust in the Lord, pray for our future child(ren), pray for our baby's birth family, and pray that all the loose ends will come together as they are supposed to.


2. Referrals

There are many avenues that can result in a placement for us, and one of those is referrals through word-of-mouth. If you ever hear of someone considering placing their child(ren) for adoption, please keep us in mind. We would love for you to be part of our story in this way.


3. Financial Aid

Adoptions are not funded through insurance, but rather through depleted savings accounts, personal loans, bake sales, and whatever else is necessary to pay the $40,000+ needed for fees, travel, and birth mother care. We are trusting in the Lord that he will provide the means necessary to finance our adoption, and if you feel led to help in this endeavor, feel free to contact us or our family to see how you can help. If you would like to make a direct contribution, feel free to visit our PayPal site.

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